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You are required to have an approved Address/Parcel Verification prior to submitting any Commercial Building Permits and/or Multi-Family Building Permits (Excludes: Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing, & Fire). To apply click here.

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Permit C-NEW-2022-0003

New Commercial

Record Status: CO Issued


Work Location


Permit Details

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YOU MUST CLICK THE "Save" button after attaching files or they will not be saved with your permit.

FOR COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS, it is REQUIRED to attach a Detailed Scope of Work and any other documents related to your type of permit. 

Examples include:
- Bid Documents
- For Streetlight permits
     - Approved Stamped Layouts
     - Record Drawings

The maximum file size allowed is 1024 MB.
ade;adp;bat;chm;cmd;com;cpl;exe;hta;htm;html;ins;isp;jar;js;jse;lib;lnk;mde;mht;mhtml;msc;msp;mst;php;pif;scr;sct;shb;sys;vb;vbe;vbs;vxd;wsc;wsf;wsh are disallowed file types to upload.

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Right Of Way Management

No ROWM data available at this time.

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